Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Whats this "45 Minutes Stuff?"

Surprisingly my wife stumbled upon my previous entry and commented "Do you think this 45 would suffice? Its a life time stuff..". Apparently she did not get my meaning of "45 Minute Parenting".. So I try to explain whats there in my mind in this post.

These 45 minutes are not just "45 Minutes" literally but they are like "45 minutes" of purposeful engagement with the kid on daily basis. When I say purposeful engagement what I mean in the words of Covey is "Begin with End in mind". So we must have thought out whats the outcome of the interaction prior. The following things comes to my mind when the word interaction comes into picture:

  • Whats the purpose
  • What is that we want during the course of interaction -- or subject of the communication
  • Whats the opportune time for interaction
  • Which mood I should broach the topic
  • What should be the out come
  • Can this interaction be split
  • And the probable conversation content for the topic. In some of the conversations we might need to take positions and we should have well thought out the options 
    • win-loose 
    • win-win
    • loose-win
  • Most importantly how should you transfer -- this depends on the type of the child. 
  • What are the modes of transfer
    • Conscious level implant
    • Sub-conscious level implant
With the last point you would be tempted to think of "Inception". Yes it is in fact like in the plot of inception where in you want to impart or transfer or imprint or let them imbibe the crux of the conversation and make it the part of their own. 

This is essentially like dealing with the most important client(s) of your life. And I feel (I hope the readers agree) is the toughest job anybody handles. For these 45 minutes of engagement you need todo a homework of 1 hour to a day or perhaps more of time depending upon the above factors..

So in essence its not just "45 minute job". I will be exploring further on each of these and other things too.. going further...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it is nice i want to hear further pl. go ahead