Friday, December 25, 2009

Analysis of the turmoil of AP

Any sane person must have observed the following things which are the observations/facts during this 20+ day period in Andhra Pradesh.

  • Rajasekhar Redddy's departure leaving a leadership vacuum

  • Center though have nominated Rosaiah as the chief minister was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea

    • He could never proclaim that he is "THE" chief minister for long period ever tried to defend himself that he neither has interest nor the capacity to hold to it. This might have well been the apprehension of being stamped "Disloyal" to Rajasekhara Reddy

    • Vested interests and the Media have done their due diligence to evoke the sentiments of the people so that the existing government is not stable for long time.

    • The elected members of the assembly instead of seeing the long term interests of the state and how can this situation devastate the morale have submitted themselves to mere sycophancy. (I am not saying here not to be loyal but the state machinery's paralyzation for long would give way to many other things which we are now seeing... )

    • Center is ever oblivious to the ground reality have never made either any strong gestures to the MLA's or the State Congress workers for abating this situation.

  • The above things lead to a mockery of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister's position. I bet anybody in Rosaiah's position would have the same situation under such circumstances.

  • What Center should have done is

    • Explicitly enunciate Rosaiah or who ever is enthroned after Rajasekhar Reddy is going to be permanent or

    • Should have replaced the Chief Minister just after a few days with another permanent person

  • It did neither of these things only to exacerbate the situation and the Chief Minister could never have any hold on the Administration.

  • KCR who has lost almost every ground in Telangana and was not even in a position to contest the polls in Hyderabad while during Rajasekhara Reddy's regime was definitely looking for a right time to regain his lost political ground

  • The anarchy and lack of hold on administration was the right moment for him to gain his lost say in the state politics

  • What he has done this time "opportune" is the instigating the naive sentiments of the till now alienated section -- "Students" .

    • The not so serious section of this group readily joined this commotion, though large section of the sane remained non committed.

    • This "untamable" section of the population nether have sufficient vision or mission defined could easily be used for his demagogy since its a double edged sword for the Government to deal with

    • With such untamed force and hospitalized fast unto death he achieved 2 things  

      • Blackmail the section of Politicians of the region emotionally to be part of his supposed struggle

      • Put the local and central government which depends on the heresy to take any decision

  • All the political parties which were intellectual dwarfs have the following short comings which prompted to commit for passing of any resolution put forth by the state government

    • They do not have any perception of either popular sentiment of the state as a whole or

    • Any longterm vision / mission or public good as true agenda

    • Quick to react in haste for petty political gains and power longing

  • Media played a serious spoils sport in this case by

    • Repeatedly telecasting the instigating statements / incidents ignoring large section where there is no agitation

    • Misquoting the inadvertent remarks

    • Prodding the people on the show to such an extent that they loose their though and become emotional

    • In this process they blissfully violated the basic tenets of reporting and just focused on TRP ratings.

    • Purposefully avoiding intellectual debates on shows which could have a blaming effect on the sentiments and passions of the people.

  • He could cajole and force the central government to issue a statement which evoked a quick and huge uproar with the other side of Andhra Pradesh

  • The events in the other parts of the state are no less violent and bizarre than Telangana except for the following things

    • They lacked the acrimonious language which KCR / TRS used to use.

    • They are more logical at least in putting forth why do they want united Andhra with proper statistics at hand with respect to how much of development is done in these 50 years in the 3 regions of the state

    • People like Undavalli are ready for a debate with complete statistics and were conceding the secession of the state with logic

  • Events over a period of time forced the Center to do another "BLUNDER" with out much understanding of the reality which seemed like a "U" turn of the previous readiness for Telangana.

  • All are oblivious for the following things:

    • The divisions are now so deep that the emotions are divided and there is no more brother hood amongst the insane people which are unfortunately the deciding factors

    • The division is inevitable as even if they are forced to live together there is absolutely no responsibility or undertaking for the lives / property of the "settlers"

    • An authenticate, confirmed, amicable alternative which can restore the things immediately to the faith of the normal peoples lives, properties that the Government exists and we are living in a civic society

Yesterday when I was in Mumbai somebody was disparagingly talking about AP people for their emotionality and irrationality rather than that of logic and EQ wondering how could there could be so many people in IT.

Keeping aside the comments, I am wondering whether we can expect a peaceful state(s) , can there be any "TRUE LEADER(s)" in any of the political party who can raise above their parochial outlook and can stand for PEACE.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sixth Sense!!!

The link here is absolutely Amazing.. Breath taking and fundametally change the world the way its working... Taking technology to masses this guy is an Indian from MIT. 

To Kill a Mockingbird

I had the opportunity of spending a day with my son again on this Sunday. I had few observations and contemplations which I would like to put forth. In fact these are my rumbling thoughts which I want to make coherent so that the same be useful for even myself when I deal with my daughter or else evoke some thought in the readers.

I hope you got the crux of the title. But I would like to summarize the aptness of the same before we move on. To Kill a Mockingbird is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. The primary themes of To Kill a Mockingbird involve racial injustice and the destruction of innocence.

"He had a gift of seeing a meaning behind inconspicuous, well-known facts which has escaped everyone else. It was this uncanny insight into the working of nature which distinguished him from all of us, not his mathematical skill" -- Max Born a fellow theoretical physicist about Einstein. If we were to read in between the lines, we see that genius lies where in we look at the normal things. Thats what I was looking for from Bharadwaj or any other science student for that matter who is curious about nature...

Around when he was 5 years old, I got a strange question "how would it be if we do not have wheels as Circles but as rectangular shape"... He made a whole story around this thought.. Is the same inquisitiveness when I was working with him about Geometry with respect to uncanny proofs and beating the teacher with his own proofs rather than following the teacher blindly which made me like him most.... But to my aghast I could see none of the same zeal and enthusiasm when I was working with him yesterday. I see his learning now more rote rather than intellectually stimulating.

I see that the following traits are necessary for anybody to live happily let alone winning the competition:
  • A Zeal towards life, this is the basic quality of life in which ever field you choose from Gundagiri to Gandhigiri where scientific exploration falling in between. This is the only criteria which will drive the people for living. I call this inquisitiveness.
  • Living with sense of achievement -- Personal Success
  • Sense of fulfillment -- Interpersonal Success
  • Personal Philosophy.
Stephen R. Covey terms the same things as To Learn, To Live, To Love and to Leave Legacy as the 4 basic quadrants of a fulfilled life..

What I could see with respect tot the first one is:
  • We are hurried.. - We want to push as much as possible into the gutter of the child with out thinking the consequences and with out giving him the "
    • proper time to imbibe and internalize,
    • live with the idea and
    •  extend it with his own intellect"
  • We do not check for natural questions... we do not put them in the first place... --> Let me take an example here to illustrate so that we are on the same page.. A discussion w.r.t. Photo Electric Effect how should we start the discussion? -- Has the child understood the significance of the same ... I feel that a student should ask the question --- "If we increase the intensity of light why should the number of electrons increase why not the electrons remains the same and their K.E. is increased? -- If he were to understand the Newton in his own perspective" --- If he is not asking this question I feel that he is not yet ready for Quantum... Rather we should at least make him think in that direction... Same way Hiesenberg's uncertainty principle or for that matter any theory that contradicts previous dogmas. If we fail to undestand the significance of the invention and "just knowing" about it we are "not understanding" it . Obviously it takes us no where.
  • We are not paying enough attention to basics... Example... Why when the potential difference is same across the resistances they become parallel.. This is fundamental... and we should investigate..
  • Creating interest in the child... for eg. some topics can be routine based on formula and have to be remembered. -- Some kids cann't do it just as this week's differentiation failed to evoke enthusiasm in my Son. --->
    •  We need to take live examples... We need to look at engineering applications for this we should able to take help from books like Calculus by Thomas & Fenny or Kline.
    • In case of physics we should able to do the same with respect to every topic talking about 5-10 minutes reg. the latest research on that topic... For. eg. whats MIT doing in the field of Electrical Engineering currently .. What Bell labs is doing about harnessing the effects of Dipole Moment to increase the disk storage space without effecting the size of the disc..
    • Encouraging the child to think with hypothetical questions and making a forum for discussion on some random topic for 15 mins .. Make the class into 4-5 groups and then let them discuss and prepare a chart and present to the rest of the groups... 
    • Asking the students for impromptu comments on the topic which should not have been borrowed from text book...
I have not suggested anything that is not implementable. And with the kind of guys good schools have who can rock the world.. I get often tempted to be there to spend time with the wonderful kids out there just freeking out with them on different topics.. Alas!!!

Narayana Rallabandi

Gruhapravesam at Narasaraopet

I recently did Gruhapravesam at Narasaraopet on October 31,2009. A couple of photos on that occasion. We performed the following homams as part of the ceremony.
  1. Vaastu Homam,
  2. Navagraha Homam
  3. Laxmi Ganapati Homam
  4. Chandi Homam
  5. Homam with Sri Suktam, Durga Suktam and Purusha Suktam

My father is seen below though from back side.

Sriku's upcoming political party's flag.

This is the image of the upcoming political party of my daughter Srikari who is 9 years old. The title of the party is going to be "Andari Rajyam".

Incidentally she is born on the same day as that of Chiranjeevi August 22nd.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Running Open MQ with Java CAPS Server and accessing the same in eManager

For running Open MQ as a seperate process and then hooking the same to the Java CAPS and monitor the same in the eManager you need to do the following things:

  • Download the Open MQ for the OS and start the Open MQ. This would start the MQ on the default port 7676.
  • Modify the domain.xml of the Java CAPS installation for the JMS to run as "REMOTE" instead of the default "EMBEDDED". We need to make modification in the following element
  • <jms-service addresslist-behavior="random" addresslist-iterations="3" default-jms-host="default_JMS_host" init-timeout-in-seconds="60" reconnect-attempts="3" reconnect-enabled="true" reconnect-interval-in-seconds="5" type="REMOTE">
    <jms-host admin-password="admin" admin-user-name="admin" host="narayana-rallabandis-macbook.local" name="default_JMS_host" port="7676"/>
  • Start the glassfish with Open MQ running as separate process...
  • Start eManager
  • Go to J2EE Section and add the Glassfish domain that is currently running.. You should able to see the Open MQ in the server section.

Hope this helps !!!..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Karnataka visit July '09

On account of Prem's 3 month trip with the courtesy of Citi (He was visiting Hyderabad to work with Polaris team which was working for Citi NewYork), We visited Karnataka for a week in July 10th to 17th.

The journey followed this route.. I tried to give small explanation against each place barring Hyderabad -

Mantralayam (Raghavendra Swami temple),

Hampi -Ruins of Vijayanagara Empire, Virupaksha Peetham,


Srikari and Krishna with Lakshmi

Prem, Hampi Swamiji and Lalitha

Ihole (2nd to 4th Centureis), Pattadakkal (5th - 6 centuries), Badami (8th - 9th centuries) (These places are of great importance with respect to the starting and flourishing sculpture of South India),

You can see here Lord Vishnu in Vamana avatara in the cave dedicated to Lord Vishnu. In case of Badami rock cut temples it takes a week to complete all the 4 caves if we were to see and appreciate its grander in its true sense.

Gokarnam - one of the 12 jyothirlingas. When we went there Koti Rudrayagam is being performed there. You can see standing Ganapati there who putdown the Aatmalingam there which he took from Raavana.

Mrudeshwar -- On the seashore is awesome to watch

Udipi -- which houses Lord Krishna. How many ever times you watch you can not feel satiated.

Sringeri -- No need to say anything about this place. It seems that every year once the river Tunga overflows. It happened this time when we were there.

Horanadu -- The temple of Annapurnewari. Unforgettable glimpses of the mother. I took a rare photo of Sangeetha Saraswati there.
You can see different birds representing Saptaswaras

Dharmasthala -- Manjunatha Swami temple

Kukke Subrahmanya.

Halebeedu and Belur -- These 2 places best represent the peak of South Indian Sculpture.

Though we could not cover in detail because of a whirl wind tour, we enjoyed a lot even though it was raining heavily through out.

Ganesh Chaturdhi '09

After a loooooong time we had a get together for this Ganesh Chaturdhi as my brother Prem is also home from US to India. Some glimpses of the same in photos..



You can see Prem and Lalitha in the front, Srikari to the right of Vinayaka Pratima. Hema with Bharadwaj in her lap. Sarada and Sriram sitting behind along with Krishna. Amma is also seen in the 2nd Photo.