Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Running Open MQ with Java CAPS Server and accessing the same in eManager

For running Open MQ as a seperate process and then hooking the same to the Java CAPS and monitor the same in the eManager you need to do the following things:

  • Download the Open MQ for the OS and start the Open MQ. This would start the MQ on the default port 7676.
  • Modify the domain.xml of the Java CAPS installation for the JMS to run as "REMOTE" instead of the default "EMBEDDED". We need to make modification in the following element
  • <jms-service addresslist-behavior="random" addresslist-iterations="3" default-jms-host="default_JMS_host" init-timeout-in-seconds="60" reconnect-attempts="3" reconnect-enabled="true" reconnect-interval-in-seconds="5" type="REMOTE">
    <jms-host admin-password="admin" admin-user-name="admin" host="narayana-rallabandis-macbook.local" name="default_JMS_host" port="7676"/>
  • Start the glassfish with Open MQ running as separate process...
  • Start eManager
  • Go to J2EE Section and add the Glassfish domain that is currently running.. You should able to see the Open MQ in the server section.

Hope this helps !!!..