Thursday, September 09, 2010

Thinking of changing news paper

I get couple of news papers one English and one vernacular. I switched my vernacular news paper to Sakshi when it launched a while ago. YSR's (the then CM of Andhra Pradesh) son Jagan has launched it. I changed from the then popular daily Eenadu thinking that its too yellowish. Sakshi was ok for some time but has soon become the mouth piece of the ruling party for obvious reasons. 

But of late following YSR's death it has become the trumpet of Jagan and his Oodarpu Yatra. It was ok for a while listening to the trumpet for a while but at one point of time more than 70% of the paper devoted to 

  • just "Jagan Yata" 
  • launching tirade on the current government. 
  • becoming black mailing media arm for any non-supporters of YSR legacy
  • challenging the high command with all the mouth pieces -- which can destabilize the current setup and can potentially create fissures in the congress party. 
Now it became unbearable for me listening to all this and desperately need a respite. So started searching for an alternative to my dismay I found the following facts:
  • The so called forth pillar of democracy became corrupt enough and each and every paper (esp. vernacular ones) took side of one political party or the other
  • Lot of arm twisting happening at different levels by the media
  • Its heartening to know that even at the village levels journalism has become a very lucrative business and is no more pious. Journalists seem to extort money reg. publishing of objectionable content from different sections of the society just like the other goons or maoists. 
  • Its not just with news papers and is applicable to the Visual Media too.. :)
If this pillar is corrupt there is no hope for any country. The ex-CVC's comments reg. corruption in the country are to be quoted here "When we were growing up I remember if somebody was corrupt, they were generally looked down upon," he said. "There was at least some social stigma attached to it. That is gone. So there is greater social acceptance." 

The latter part of the sentence is what is to be lamented about. Our prime minister always laments reg. the economic impact or future economic growth because of the increasing levels of corruption. But I think it won't certainly leave there it would rot the stem and the roots too one day and the whole fabric might be burnt. 

And we might be just be a single country just by chance but not by any other thing since this might have well effected the areas of both internal as well as external security of the country as well. 

1 comment:

pavan p said...

current scenarios are beautifully crafted as a blog