What are the difierentiators from the previous attacks?
- Its more organized and more planned
- First time ammunition has come for sea route
- Not of Serial blasts in nature
- Used different kind of ammunition not just bombs including AK 47 attacks and indiscriminate firing at several places
- Targeted Posh areas and Foreigners
- It for longer time
What are the implications?
- Could shutdown the entire financial system of the country for a day
- First time foreigners died in attacks pulling India down further in morale infront of world contries
- Exposed India's vulnarability for terrorist attacks sans time and space for umpteen number of times
- Sent message to the world that India lacks cohesion and can compromise on security
- Could have caused a dent in the investor confidence
- Already made a dent in the cricketing schedules
Common people of India are having the following questions
- If US can stop with 1 attack why cann't India do that?
- Why are we so permissible?
- How far we need to afford these fortnightly attacks?
During this attack the conversations of the journalists with the terrorists there is conscious effort for misleading making that the attacks are done because of the oppression or perpetaration against muslims.. and its done by muslims in India.. but from the conversation its evident that its more a cross border terrorism rather than that of domestic religious terrorism. Sadly everything is construed by the Netas as communal and the general public should exercise refrain from commotion.
What are the bottlenecks and causes?
- Time and again there were attacks and there are only kneejerk reactions
- This issue has always been treated from communal angle and never taken more seriously because of lack of political will and vote bank politics
- There is no sustained effort in this direction with commitment from the government
- Indian politicians always give more importance to the vote bank politics than real issues at hand
- Thousands of small childern deprived of basic modern employable education are put into religious extremist factories, fed with mis-interpreted religious texts making them into hard-core fundamentalits
What could be done and what should be done?
- Need tight co-ordination between center and state for attacking the problem which has took the dimention of War
- Coming up with laws for tackling the issue and implement them in the right spirit not giving side to communalism while dealing with terrorism
- Understand that it could not be tackled in a piecemeal approach. All the machinaries like Intelligence, Miletary, Police must coherently work toward tacking such issues
- We need to understand that the root cause is with in us because with out the permisivity of the officials the ammunition could not have come. Desist corruption atleast in the matters of internal security
- Need to shelve the "Vote Bank Politics" at least at matters of National Security and deal with the persons involved in a stern way
The biggest question remains, Can India raise as a country devoid of religion, caste and creed against the single biggest challenge for its existance as a nation?
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